
Jon Poole

How to open maps and save money. A local authority story

The Council has been exploring some ideas about how to more efficiently manage and publish openly licensed mapping data. It has now published a study to show which proposals may be of use to other areas looking to build on… Continue Reading →

B&NES Open Maps are Changing…

As part of its involvement with the Open Data Institute’s geospatial stimulus programme, Bath and North East Somerset Council has been reviewing how it creates and publishes mapping data. This post looks at the methods of publication and how they… Continue Reading →

Safe Routes to School – a lesson in licensing

Bath:Hacked is rightly here to celebrate all things open. However, sometimes it’s difficult to release data, even when the potential benefits of release are massive. This blog looks at some of the challenges facing councils in releasing open data, using… Continue Reading →

Unleashing B&NES Maps – Community Kick-Off

In preparation for a lot of work to better understand and release our geospatial (map) data, we had a lovely evening discussing all things maps in Bath.

Using Open Data To Understand Voter Registration Levels

With an election coming up, thoughts turn to registering to vote; campaigns at all levels will start encouraging people to register and participate. From an open data perspective, we want to know what could be learnt about electoral registration from… Continue Reading →

We Love the Environment – The Winners

We are delighted to announce the prize winners in our fifth hack.

Getting ready to LOVE the environment?

Do you LOVE Bath?  Do you want to make things better in your local area? Are you thinking about coming to our next event? Bath:Hacked loves the environment and this is your chance to get involved!

5 days, 3 projects – An amazing week in local Open Data

It’s been an incredible week for open data projects in Bath and North East Somerset. Three amazing pieces of work shipped and we are so excited that we’ve just had to tell everyone about it.

3 tips for users of our data

It’s summer and an enthusiastic hacker’s heart turns to thoughts of data. We’re all about visualisation, UI, colour schemes and creativity… “Speak to me not of rules” we cry. “It’s hacking time!” That is of course all true, but Open… Continue Reading →

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