
October 2014

Hacked 2.1 Attendee Notes

Game time! We have 36 hours to have fun, learn and make magic happen. Here’s everything you need to ensure a smooth hack.

Bath Historical Maps

Following up on our preview from last week, we’re now pleased to announce the launch of our Bath Historical Maps project.

What is a good hack idea?

Turning dry data into something people will love isn’t always easy. It’s a lot easier when you know what people want.

Easy Mapping: “Super” Output Areas

Or… how I learnt to stop worrying and love administrative geography, it’s an easy way of getting data onto a map.

Previewing our Bath historical maps

If there’s one thing that Bath certainly isn’t short on its heritage. In fact the whole of the B&NES area has an amazing history and cultural heritage. As the week of the Bath Digital Festival is also Heritage Open Week… Continue Reading →

Lessons we’ve learned building a city data store

While our hack days are a focal point for igniting open data in Bath, the unseen and ongoing work that goes into building a quality data store is arguably the most important thing we do. I thought it’d be good to share what we do behind the… Continue Reading →

You have 36 hours to hack Bath’s Past, Present and Future

We’re delighted to announce our second big hack on 1st/2nd November as part of the Bath Digital Festival. If you’re passionate about our city and love making things, it’ll be 36 hours of fun and learning.

Project recap: Team Mark/Sam

Mark Lawson and his son Sam tried a novel way to visualise air quality in Bath.

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