Game time! We have 36 hours to have fun, learn and make magic happen. Here’s everything you need to ensure a smooth hack.
Following up on our preview from last week, we’re now pleased to announce the launch of our Bath Historical Maps project.
Turning dry data into something people will love isn’t always easy. It’s a lot easier when you know what people want.
Or… how I learnt to stop worrying and love administrative geography, it’s an easy way of getting data onto a map.
If there’s one thing that Bath certainly isn’t short on its heritage. In fact the whole of the B&NES area has an amazing history and cultural heritage. As the week of the Bath Digital Festival is also Heritage Open Week… Continue Reading →
While our hack days are a focal point for igniting open data in Bath, the unseen and ongoing work that goes into building a quality data store is arguably the most important thing we do. I thought it’d be good to share what we do behind the… Continue Reading →
We’re delighted to announce our second big hack on 1st/2nd November as part of the Bath Digital Festival. If you’re passionate about our city and love making things, it’ll be 36 hours of fun and learning.
Mark Lawson and his son Sam tried a novel way to visualise air quality in Bath.
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